Sunday, August 9, 2009

Blogs, Wikis and Other Powerful Tools for the Classroom

Navasota ISD Technology Director Ronnie Gonzalez attended a Texas Computer Education Association interest group seminar in May in which the keynote speaker, Will Richardson, made the case that the role of educators must change as the ability of people to make connections and to “learn anything, anytime, anywhere” grows as a part of a larger social shift in how learning occurs.

Richardson is the author of Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts and Other Powerful Tools for the Classroom and is an advocate for the integration of Web 2.0 tools into curriculum and instruction. He is also the author of Weblogg-ed, a blog about the transformation of the Web and its application in student learning.

Below is Part 1 of Richardson's presentation after a few introductions from TCEA officials. Parts 2-4 can be viewed on U-Stream.

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